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Man renovating bathroom tile by Bryan Exteriors

Remodeling a bathroom is a significant project that can enhance the value and comfort of your home. Bryan Exteriors provides comprehensive services to help homeowners in the Des Moines metro area. Here are 10 essential tips to guide you through a successful bathroom remodel.

1. Consider the layout

The layout of your bathroom should prioritize both form and function. Position the sink, toilet, and shower for ease of use and accessibility. Bryan Exteriors can help you create a layout that fits your needs and enhances your home’s style.

2. Plan Your Budget Carefully

Setting a budget is the first step in any remodeling project. Outline your priorities and allocate funds accordingly. Consider costs for materials, labor, and any unexpected expenses. Bryan Exteriors can provide a detailed estimate to help you stay on track.

3. Choose the Right Materials

Selecting high-quality, durable materials is key to a lasting bathroom renovation. Consider options like moisture-resistant tiles, waterproof paint, and durable countertops. Visit Bryan Exteriors’ remodeling page to explore a range of materials that blend style with functionality.

4. Focus on Lighting

Proper lighting can transform your bathroom’s look and feel. Combine ambient, task, and accent lighting to create a well-lit, welcoming space.

5. Maximize Storage Solutions

Storage is essential for keeping a bathroom organized and clutter-free. Think about adding built-in shelves, wall-mounted cabinets, or floating vanities.

6. Upgrade Plumbing Fixtures

Investing in modern, efficient plumbing fixtures can save water and reduce your utility bills. Look for low-flow faucets, showerheads, and dual-flush toilets. There is a wide variety of eco-friendly fixture options to consider.

7. Think About Ventilation

Proper ventilation prevents moisture buildup, mold, and mildew. Consider installing a high-quality exhaust fan to maintain air quality and protect your investment.

8. Incorporate Energy-Efficient Features

Energy-efficient upgrades can add value to your remodel. LED lighting, energy-efficient windows, and water-saving fixtures are great choices.

9. Choose Timeless Designs

While trendy designs may be tempting, opting for a timeless look ensures your bathroom stays stylish for years. Neutral colors, classic tile patterns, and simple fixtures can provide a timeless appeal.

10. Hire Professionals for Complex Tasks

Certain tasks, like plumbing, electrical work, and tile installation, require professional expertise. Hiring experienced contractors ensures the job is done safely and correctly, saving you time and money in the long run.


Remodeling a bathroom can be a rewarding experience when approached with proper planning and the right team. At Bryan Exteriors, we are experienced in all phases of remodeling. Our team can install new flooring, tiles, countertops, and bathroom cabinets. We can also install a new bathtub, shower, vanity, and lighting.

Bryan Exteriors sets the standard in Des Moines, IA, for expert remodeling services. Our skilled crew, with a cumulative experience exceeding 50 years, is dedicated to providing outstanding craftsmanship and customer service. We excel in exterior refurbishments, offering steadfast services and premium-grade materials. Our clients receive clear, obligation-free estimates, enabling them to proceed with their projects confidently. We pride ourselves on our integrity and value, striving to be the preferred choice for your interior or exterior remodeling needs. Our approach features personal involvement from the company’s founders, certified expert technicians, discounts for service members, and solid warranty coverage. Select Bryan Exteriors for your next project and witness the exceptional service and quality we provide.

For more information about our company or the products and services we provide, or to schedule your free estimate, contact us via our website or give us a call at 515-207-5670. We look forward to serving you!