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Built-up roof system on a commercial building by Bryan Exteriors

A built-up roof (BUR) system is a time-tested roofing solution for flat or low-slope roofs, especially in commercial buildings. It’s made up of multiple layers of bitumen (asphalt or coal tar) and reinforcing fabrics, creating a strong, durable, and weather-resistant surface. Homeowners and businesses in the Des Moines metro area often choose built-up roofing for its reliability and long-lasting performance. Bryan Exteriors provides professional installation and maintenance services for built-up roofs, offering customized solutions for various needs.

How Does a Built-Up Roof Work?

A built-up roof system involves multiple layers applied over a roof deck to provide enhanced protection. The layers typically include:

  • Base Sheet – The first layer provides a solid foundation and is usually mechanically attached to the roof deck.
  • Bitumen Layers – Several layers of bitumen are applied, either hot-mopped or cold-applied, to create a waterproof barrier.
  • Reinforcing Fabric – Reinforcing fabrics like fiberglass or organic felt are embedded in the bitumen to add strength and stability
  • Surface Layer – The top layer often consists of gravel or mineral granules that protect against UV rays and weather elements.

Advantages of Built-Up Roofing

Built-up roofing offers several benefits, making it a popular choice for many property owners:

  • Durability – The multiple layers create a strong, sturdy roof that can withstand harsh weather conditions, including heavy rain and snow.
  • Low Maintenance – With few moving parts and a solid structure, BUR systems require minimal maintenance, making them cost-effective over time.
  • Fire Resistance – Built-up roofs often have excellent fire resistance due to the materials used in their construction.
  • Energy Efficiency – The reflective surface of BUR systems can help reduce heat absorption, lowering cooling costs in warmer months.

Learn more about the benefits of built-up roofing here.

Is Built-Up Roofing Right for Your Property?

When considering roofing options, it’s essential to evaluate your property’s specific needs. Built-up roofs are ideal for flat or low-slope roofs commonly found in commercial buildings, schools, and warehouses. They are also suitable for some residential properties with similar roof types and offer certain advantages.

  • Longevity – Built-up roofs have a lifespan of 20 to 30 years, depending on the quality of materials and installation.
  • Cost-Effectiveness – While the initial cost may be higher than some other roofing options, the long-term savings on maintenance and repairs make BUR systems a wise investment.

Why Choose Bryan Exteriors for Your Built-Up Roof?

Choosing the right contractor is essential for a successful roofing project. With years of experience, Bryan Exteriors offers quality craftsmanship, reliable service, and a commitment to customer satisfaction. We can help you navigate your options and ensure that you get a roof that meets your needs and budget. We value transparency and quality, striving to be the top choice for your home improvement needs. Our approach includes personal engagement with our owners, skilled technicians, discounts for military personnel, and solid guarantees. For a discerning difference in quality and attention, consider us for your upcoming roofing project.

For more information about our company or the products and services we provide, or to schedule your free estimate, contact us via our website or give us a call at 515-207-5670. We look forward to serving you!