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Man finishing the drywall in an attic by Bryan Exteriors

Finishing an attic adds valuable living space to your home. Ideal for a guest room, office, or playroom, this project requires careful planning to make it safe, comfortable, and up to code. Here is a brief guide on how to finish an attic, including key considerations, costs, and tips.

Step 1 – Assess the Space

First, determine if your attic is suitable for conversion. Key factors to consider are:

  • Headroom – Ideally, you need at least 7 feet of clearance from the floor to ceiling for comfort.
  • Structural Integrity – A professional should verify if the attic floor can support furniture and occupants.
  • Ventilation and Insulation – Proper ventilation and insulation are essential for comfort and moisture control.

Brian Exteriors offers assessments to help determine if your attic is ready for conversion. Learn more about our services here.

Step 2 – Plan the Layout

  • Purpose – Decide if the space will be a bedroom, office, or playroom, as this will influence design choices.
  • Windows and Lighting – Adding windows or skylights can brighten and enlarge the space.
  • Access – Include safe entry and exit, such as a staircase or foldable ladder.

Brian Exteriors specializes in window installation and home improvement services to enhance your attic conversion. Explore our window solutions.

Step 3 – Estimate the Costs

Understanding costs helps in budgeting. Factors that affect the cost include:

  • Insulation and Drywall – Essential for comfort and creating a finished look.
  • Electrical and Plumbing – Installing outlets, lighting, or plumbing for a bathroom will add to the cost.
  • Permits and Inspections – These are required to ensure compliance with local building codes.

The cost of finishing an attic ranges from $15,000 to $50,000, depending on size and materials. Bryan Exteriors provides detailed cost breakdowns tailored to your needs. Contact us to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation for your project.

Step 4 – Insulate and Ventilate Properly

Proper insulation and ventilation are vital for a comfortable attic space:

  • Insulation – Options like fiberglass, spray foam, or rigid foam panels can help maintain the temperature.
  • Ventilation – Proper ventilation systems prevent moisture buildup, protecting against mold and damage.

Step 5 – Finish the Interior

For a polished look, focus on finishing the walls, floor, and ceiling:

  • Flooring – Choose hardwood, carpet or laminate based on room usage.
  • Walls and Ceilings – Drywall is typical, but wood paneling can add character.
  • Paint and Décor – Light, neutral colors can make the space feel larger.

With Bryan Exteriors’ expertise, transform your attic into a beautiful, functional space. Learn more about our interior remodeling services.


Finishing an attic is a worthwhile project that can expand your living space and boost your home’s value. You can achieve a stylish and functional attic conversion with these steps and guidance from Bryan Exteriors.

Contact the Pros

Bryan Exteriors is a leading remodeling and roofing company in Des Moines, IA, offering exceptional services for both residential and commercial projects. With over 50 years of collective experience, our team is dedicated to providing top-quality craftsmanship and exceptional customer service. Our free, no-obligation estimates help our clients plan their projects confidently and with no surprises. Our work includes direct owner interaction, certified installers, military discounts, and comprehensive warranties. Choose us for your next project, then experience the difference in quality and service.

For more information about our company or the products and services we provide, or to schedule your free estimate, contact us via our website or give us a call at 515-207-5670. We look forward to serving you!